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46CLeary --Women who seek to be equ
46CMarx --Humor is reason gone mad
46CSolomon --Women, you can't live wi
46CStoppard --Eternity's a terrible th
46DBonaparte --If the art of war consis
46DChurchill --You can always count on
46DGrant --I have made it a rule of
46DPeter --In spite of the cost of
46DThompson --The music business is a
46DVaughn --Suburbia is where the de
46DVoltaire --Use, do not abuse; neith
46DWormer --The time has come for so
46EBierce --Happiness: An agreeable
46EFranklin --Genius without education
46EGrant --The art of war is simple
46EHitchcock --Seeing a murder on telev
46EHoffer --It is loneliness that ma
46EMalcolm X --Nobody can give you free
46EThompson --When the going gets weir
46EWright --There's a fine line betw
47AAmerican Indian Proverb --Listen or thy tongue wil
47AAnonymous --Nobody knows the age of
47AArmstrong --I believe that the Good
47ABarkley --I don't hate anyone, at
47ABerloiz --Time is a great teacher;
47ABierce --Riot: A popular entertai
47ABlomberg --Competing in sports has
47ABogart --The problem with the wor
47ABok --If you think education i
47ABonaparte --Victory belongs to the m

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